How do you choose the products for your mouth? Do you carefully analyse the ingredients, or are you the bait of many commercials that lure you into buying their products?


Health begins at your mouth, so things you put in it must be used after a certain amount of consideration and based on expert advice.

The most popular brands that advertise their products to contain ‘natural’ ingredients might not serve the purpose. It might cause endocrine disruption, carcinogens, and inflammation. The most popular ingredients that these products have in them are Fluoride, SLS, Titanium, and Carrageenan. You must use those products that suit your oral care needs rather than picking on random products that serve everyone.


Here are easy swaps that you must do for a safer and more effective oral care routine:


  • Swap your Toothpaste:

Risewell (helps remineralize enamel and areas of decay)

Dental Herb Company

This Young Living Brand

Periopaste toothpaste (for gum disease) 


  • Swap your Mouthwash

Dental Herb Company

Trilogy (based on your bacteria)




  • Swap your Dental Floss 


Dr. Tungs (BPA free, removes upward of 55% more plaque)

And do not forget you can try an oral/water irrigator 


NOTE: While selecting a dental floss, make sure it does not contain PFAS (the stuff used in Teflon to make pans non-stick, which we now know to avoid because PFAS has been linked to increased risk of health issues like cancer and thyroid issues). It helps the dental floss glide smoothly between your teeth. There are several non-toxic floss options available now that do not have PFAS.


  • Whiten your teeth without chemicals

Teeth whitening and bleaching chemicals in traditional products can damage your enamel, irritate your gums, and cause increased tooth sensitivity and uneven color. Alternatively, you can opt for a better product with natural ingredients to help polish those pearly whites! Here are three agents to look for in teeth whitening solutions:

  1. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties that assist in getting rid of plaque and bacteria; both significant contributors to yellow teeth.
  2. Activated charcoal is a highly porous substance that binds toxins and absorbs tannins (pigments found in various food and drink) while removing stains and whitening teeth in the process.
  3. Food-grade hydrogen peroxide gently penetrates your tooth’s enamel, altering the tooth’s color beyond its natural shade by affecting the dentin layer of your teeth.


Take the first step! Choose an alternative that does not cause havoc for your oral health in the long term. A good mindset to have is to know that you don’t have to change everything all at once, and instead, it can be helpful to replace products as you naturally run out of them with safer options. Do your research, read the ingredients, and then make a better choice.


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  • Tuesday : 09:00am - 5:00pm
  • Wednesday : Closed
  • Thursday : 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Friday : 9:00am - 5:00pm
